Tetome (Hand-Eye) House

Founded in 2020, our mission is the creation of handmade, long-lasting heirloom furniture pieces. An emphasis on solid wood joinery, and one-of-a-kind design makes Tetome House a unique maker. It is the client’s trust in Tetome House’s aesthetic, design, and furniture-making skills that allows us to produce pieces that will endure.

Tetome House is inspired by the simplicity and strength of Japanese & Scandinavian aesthetics and construction. In Japanese, Tetome (手と目 : Teh-toe-may) means ‘hand and eye’. The foundation of our creative philosophy is the quality, durability, and beauty that comes from solid wood joinery; designing, fabricating, delivering exceptional custom wood furniture.

You are the key element in designing your very own custom furniture piece. The space, the style, the lumber; you will be guided through all manners of customization as we trim and refine your idea into a single one-of-a-kind piece.

Meet the Maker

Curtis Mohrhardt

Curtis Mohrhardt

Curtis graduated from Conestoga College’s three year woodworking technology advanced diploma program in 2014 and Sheridan College’s four year furniture design baccalaureate degree program in 2020. In and between the two schooling periods were many jobs in the woodworking field. Curtis’ vision, as a designer and maker, is to create unique solid wood furniture. Ultimately, his main goal is to challenge himself to push his wood joinery skills and designs for each new project.